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Amazing Facts (Ministry)

Amazing Facts began in 1965 with a brilliant radio idea to attract listeners from all walks of life. Joe Crews, the ministry’s first speaker, opened each radio broadcast with an amazing fact and then followed with a related biblical message that everyone could understand. At the end of each program, he offered a free Bible lesson to encourage listeners to study God’s Word for themselves.


Voice of Prophecy (Ministry)

A leader in religious broadcasting for more than 89 years, the Voice of Prophecy focuses on God's love and heralds the soon return of Christ—providing hope to broken people and guidance for daily living. Founded in 1929 by H.M.S. Richards, the ministry continues today under the leadership of Speaker/Director Shawn Boonstra and Associate Speaker Jean Boonstra.


It Is Written (Ministry)

It Is Written is dedicated to sharing insights from God's Word with people around the world. Founded in 1956 by George Vandeman, the theme of this ministry can be found in Matthew 4:4: "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"


AudioVerse (Audio Sermons)

AudioVerse is an online collection of thousands of Bible-based media content that is available for anyone in the world to stream and download for free.

Bible Resources

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